Media Release

Mangaluru, Feb 12 : The Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing hosted the Yoga Competition under the banner of the Mangalore University in the Father Muller Indoor auditorium on February 11, 2021.

Mangalore University Intercollegiate Yogasana (M&W) Competition 2020-21 was inaugurated by the Yogic Science professor at Mangalore University Professor Dr K Krishna Sharma and presided over by the director of the Father Muller Charitable Institutions Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho.

The event was conceptualized with the guidance of the Principal of Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing Dr Akilesh P.M. and Mr Chandrashekar, Physical Director, FMMC.

Professor K Krishna in his address spoke on the development of competitor spirit which has a positive effect on a sport or activity. The root of happiness for all is health, the gift and research of our ancestors to us is Yoga. One’s self control determines one's progress in any sphere, with the body and mind connecting one strides success. With modernization and standardization of Yoga, all people have access to better health.

Fr Richard A. Coelho delivering his presidential address mentioned the importance of the day being the World Health Day coinciding with the feast of Mother of Lourdes and thus was apt to have a health related competition in the institution. Diet, exercise, meditation, prayers should be a scheduled event of everyday life for life to be healthy and happy. Too much of anything is harm and life needs a balance of all the above. In meditation we find God Experience and strengthen our connection with the divine, thus being divine. Hosting such an event needs meticulous planning and orchestration, the job being fantastically done by the College of speech and hearing and the physical education.

The competition was conducted according to the University guidelines. Shat Kriyas for Men and Women team was conducted at 6.30 am sharp. Each team comprised a minimum of 5 or 6 members of participants. Syllabus for the competition was as per All India Inter-University Yoga (Men &Women).

The marks for the event were distributed as follows:

Surya Namaskara(12 counts) (10 Marks)
Compulsory Asanas for Men and Women (40 Marks)
1. Paschimothanasana
2. Dhanurasana
3. Sarvangasana
4. Karnapeedasana

Shat Kriyas for Men – (20 marks)
Shat Karam Kapalbhati (Jal Kapalbhati) (Water intake through mouth and out through nostrils)
VastraDhauti (Muslim cloth 6 to 7 mtr in length and 8 cm. in width)
Or Nauli (Vam, Dakshin and MadhYan)

Shat Kriyas for Women- (20 Marks)
JalaNeti or Sutra Neti & JalaKapalabhathi

Varied asanas for men and women were performed with quite elegance and ease. The audience were aghast at the flexibility of the competitors and the agility in which they performed with concentration their asanas.

The competitors were provided with a well sanitised auditorium and COVID-19 protocols as per the district administration was in place.

Men's team
I. Shri Bharathi college, Nantoor
II. Paduva college, Nantoor

Women's team
I. Besant women's college
II. Dr. P. D. Pai, P. S. Pai, GFGC, Car street
III. Father Muller College of speech and hearing
IV. Paduva college, Nantoor

The Father Muller Charitable Institutions congratulates all the organizers, winners and participants of the event, making Yoga a spiritual experience and physical sport. Dignitaries also present were Fr Nelson D. Pais , Asst. Admin FMMCH; Dr Sanjeev Rai , Chief Research Officer along with the faculty and staff of the Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing.


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