CT News

Balkunje - Mangaluru, May 11 : Indian Catholic Youth Movement and Young Catholic Students units of Balkunje parish celebrated their Annual Day on Saturday 4th May, 2024 with splendor. The celebration began with the Thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration at St. Paul’s Church Balkunje, at 4:00 pm offered by Rev. Fr. Praveen Aranha SVD, Rev. Fr. Paul Sequiera, Rev. Fr. Denis Menezes and the parishioners.

The celebration commenced at 6:30pm with a prayer dance. The event was presided by Rev Fr Paul Sequeira. The Chief guest of honor Rev Fr Praveen Aranha SVD, Guests of honor Mr Mitesh Dsouza (president ICYM Mangalore Diocese), Mr Ranil Dsouza (president YCS Mangalore Diocese), Mr Lester Lasrado (President ICYM Mangalore-North Deanery), Mr Ruben Dsouza (President YCS Mangalore-North Deanery),Dr Freeda Rodrigues (Vice President Parish Pastoral Council Balkunje), Mrs Nancy Cardoza (Secretary Parish Pastoral Council Balkunje) , Mrs Lavina Serrao (Convenor Pastoral Commissions Balkunje), Mr Colin Baptist Dsouza (Animator ICYM Balkunje), Sr Pramila (Animator YCS Balkunje), Miss Nelisha Lobo (President ICYM Balkunje), Mr Rahil Rodrigues (President YCS Balkunje), Miss Neha Serrao (Secretary ICYM Balkunje) and Miss Crisal Vinola Lopez (Secretary YCS Balkunje) were present on the dais.

Miss Vinisha Dsouza, a beloved member of the ICYM Balkunje family, passed away on April 23, 2024. A silent prayer was held, and all those who gathered prayed for her departed soul. Miss Nelisha Lobo, welcomed the guests and audience. Following this, the program commenced with the lighting of the Diya.

Miss Crisal Lopez and Miss Neha Serrao presented the annual report of YCS and ICYM Balkunje unit respectively. The prizes for the various competitions held throughout the year were distributed by the guests. The guests also delivered their heartfelt messages during the program.

Rev Fr Praveen Aranha was honored for their service towards the ICYM Balkunje unit. Diocesan youth achievers, as well as Balkunje Unit youth achievers, were honored for their excellent service in the ICYM community and for their outstanding achievements. The students who excelled in their 2nd PU Board Examinations were congratulated.

Mr Colin Dsouza thanked the donors who helped in the success of the program and they were honored for their generosity. Fr Paul Sequeira delivered the presidential address. Mr Rahil Rodrigues delivered the Vote of Thanks.

The stage program was followed by a cultural program. A dance was presented by the high-school students. A Drama on "Our Culture" was played by the youth. This play captured the beauty and importance of nature along with cultures and traditions practiced through the years.

At the end, dinner was served for all the people present.


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