Media Release

Mangaluru, May 11 , 2024 : In a heart-warming ceremony marked by faith and gratitude, 17 dedicated Bethany Sisters celebrated their Silver Jubilee, commemorating 25 years of unwavering service and devotion to humanity through the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore.

The solemn occasion commenced with the Eucharistic celebration at Bethany Convent, Bendur, where the jubilarians gathered to offer thanks for their journey of faith and service. Rev Dr Bishop Francis Serrao, Bishop of Shimoga offered the solemn Eucharist along with 9 other priests. Bishop in his homily invited the Jubilarians to reflect on their quarter-century of commitment to their calling and be grateful to the Lord who has called them.

Following the Sacred Liturgy, a touching moment of Felicitation Programme in a well decked hall ensued as each sister was individually recognized and honoured for their selfless dedication. With hearts brimming with joy and humility, they stood before the community, embodying the spirit of service and sacrifice.
In a symbolic gesture of unity and camaraderie, the jubilarians came together to carve a jubilee cake, sharing in the sweetness of their collective achievements and blessings.

The highlight of the event came with the heartfelt address by the Superior General Sr. Rose Celine, whose words resonated with wisdom and grace. In her speech, she eloquently spoke of the profound significance of consecrated life and the enduring power of gratitude. Her words served as a beacon of inspiration, igniting a renewed sense of purpose and dedication among the audience.

Gratitude filled the air as the Silver Jubilarians took the stage to express their heartfelt appreciation to Sr Rose Celine BS, the Superior General, and the entire Bethany family and all who had supported them along their journey. With lots of joy and voices filled with emotion, they expressed their profound gratitude to Sr Mariette BS, the General Councillor and the Coordinator of Silver Jubilee Renewal Programme, for her love, guidance, and detailed arrangements throughout the month's long renewal programme at Prabodhana, Mysore.

As the ceremony drew to a close, the echoes of prayers and praises lingered in the air, a testament to the enduring spirit of faith and devotion that permeated the hearts of all who were present. The Silver Jubilee celebration will forever stand as a shining example of selflessness, dedication, and unwavering commitment to serving others in the name of love and faith. Sr Mariette welcomed the gathering; Sr Lourdes, Sr Molly Anna and Sr Sony Scaria unravelled the inner beauty of the jubilarians through prose and poetry. The programme was ably compered by Sr Divya Lopes and Sr Renita Rego BS.

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