Media Release

Mangaluru, May 11 : On 10th May 2024, the students, staffs of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital (FMHMCH), Father Muller Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Division (FMHPD) and Father Muller Charitable Institutions (FMCI) bid a heartfelt formal farewell to the Administrator of FMHMC&H and FMHPD, Rev.Fr Roshan Crasta at Father Muller Auditorium, Deralakatte.

The farewell programme was presided by the Director of FMCI, Rev Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho and was graced by the Priests of the Institutions, Members of the Father Muller Centenary Society, Advisory & Governing Board Members, Heads of the Institutions of FMCI and on the dais present were, Rev Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator, FMHMCH &HPD; Rev Fr Ashwin Crasta, Assistant Administrator, FMHMCH & HPD; Dr ESJ Prabhu Kiran, Principal, FMHMC; Dr Vilma Meera Dsouza, Vice Principal, FMHMC and Dr Girish Navada UK, Medical Superintendent, FMHMCH.

The gathering was welcomed by the Rev Fr Ashwin Crasta followed by the reminisce of the journey of Rev Fr Roshan Crasta in FMCI was presented by Principal of FMHMC Dr ESJ Prabhu Kiran.

Citation to Rev Fr Roshan Crasta was read by Vice Principal, Dr Vilma MDsouza which was followed by the traditional honouring ceremony by all the dignitaries on dais.

After the citation presentation, Rev Fr Roshan Crasta was bestowed by Floral gratitudes by all the representatives from FMCI, Father Muller Hospital Thumbay, FMHMC- teaching, Non teaching, College office staff, Student Council and FMHPD.

In his response Rev Fr Roshan Crasta expressed his memories and gratitude to all with whom he was associated throughout 11years of journey at various offices in FMCI.

Rev Fr Richard A Coelho in his message wished him good luck for his ministerial and administrative responsibilities at St Raphael Church and Fr L M Pinto Hospital, Badyar.

Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Girish Navada U K, Medical Superintendent, FMHMCH.

A farewell song ‘Shukriya’ was sung by faculty, interns and post graduates followed by an audio visual compilation of Rev Fr Roshan Crasta association with FMHMC&H.

Dr G Rajachandra and Dr Reshel Noronha compered the programme.


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