News by KRSC office
Photos by Diocese of Udupi

Udupi, July 13 : Udupi Diocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewals (CCR) reconstitution for Diocesan Service of Communion (DSC) was held on July 12th and 13th at Stella Maris Church, Kalmady, Diocese of Udupi.

Karnataka Regional Service of Communion (KRSC) led the reconstitution.  KRSC Chairman Bro. Cherian Rampuram, KRSC Secretary Bro.  Thomas Chinnappa, KRSC members Bro. Anthony K J, Bro. Elias Coelho, Bro. Joachim Pinto and KRSC Spiritual Director Fr Franklin D'Souza were present. From National Service of Communion Bro. Shaji was present.

Udupi Diocese Coordinator Bro. Wilson Gras, Bro. Henry Machado and Spiritual Director Fr Vincent Crasta organised the program.

On July 12th the program began at 9:15am with registration. Praise and worship was led by Bro. William D'Souza. At 10 o'clock was the inaugural session and keynote address. At 10:20am was the self introduction and the opportunities and challenges of Catholic Charismatic renewal (CCR) led by KRSC Coordinator Bro. Cherian Rampuram. After the tea break at 11:15am, Bro. Cherian Rampuram led another session in The evolution of CCR - past, present and future.

At 12:15pm Fr Vincent Crasta offered the Holy Eucharist.

After the lunch break at 2pm, Bro. William D'Souza led the Praise and worship. At 2:30pm Fr Franklin D'Souza spoke on the qualities and role of a leader in CCR - The servant leadership. After a small break he spoke on the importance of Parish Prayer group, Deanery team and DSC. At 3:45pm he led the adoration and thanked the Lord.

On 13th July the program started at 9:30am with Praise and worship led by Bro. William D'Souza and Bro. Elias Coelho. At 10am Bro. Anthony K J led the election process together with the KRSC team. Candidates introduced themselves and then a secret ballot was held.

At 11am the discerning team prayed and selected seven members as per Charis statutes. Fr Franklin D'Souza, Fr Vincent Crasta, Bro. Sh
aji, Bro. Thomas Chinnappa, Bro. Anthony K J and Bro. Joachim Pinto were in the discerning team. During this time Bro. Elias Coelho and Bro. William D'Souza led the intercessory adoration.

Newly elected Seven members by discernment are:

Mr. Vincent Valerian Fernandes - Coordinator - Kalyanpur Deanery
Mr. James Vaz - Secretary - Kalyanpur Deanery
Mr. Wilson Gras - Kundapura Deanery
Mr. Felix Andrew Rebello - Kundapura Deanery
Mr. Jerald Rodrigues - Shirva Deanery
Mrs. Benedicta Noronha - Karkala Deanery
Mrs. Suman Violet Barboza - Udupi Deanery

At 12:30pm Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Diocese of Udupi offered thanks giving Holy Eucharist. He preached a meaningful homily on the role of the Holy Spirit in the mission of the Church and our response to the call as leaders of the renewal. After the homily he installed the newly elected leaders and led the oath taking ceremony.

On behalf of KRSC Secretary Bro. Thomas Chinnappa thanked Bishop, Spiritual Director Fr Vincent Crasta, Bro. Wilson Gras and NSC as well as the KRSC team.

On behalf of the Diocese of Udupi, Fr Vincent Crasta thanked the Bishop for his guidance and encouragement. He thanked him for offering Holy Eucharist and praying for the newly elected leaders and also installing them and leading the oath taking ceremony. He thanked Bro. Shaji from NSC for his presence. He also thanked KRSC Coordinator Bro. Cherian Rampuram, Bro. Thomas Chinnappa, Bro. Anthony K J, Bro. Elias Coelho, Bro. Joachim Pinto and Spiritual Director Fr Franklin D'Souza.

He thanked the members who helped him in organising the program specially Bro. Wilson Gras, Bro. Henry Machado and Musician Bro. William D'Souza.

Program ended with lunch at 2pm.


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