CT News

Saverapura - Moodbidri, May 7, 2024 : St Francis Xavier parish, Saverapura celebrated Catechism Day with a camp for parish children on Sunday, May 5 under the guidance of Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Noel Mascarenhas.

To begin the day, children actively participated in the morning 8 am mass with meaningful liturgy.

The camp was inaugurated in the church hall by lighting the lamp. The dignitaries present on the dais were parish priest Fr Noel, Fr Rohith Dcosta, Sr Veena, PPC secretary Vincent Dsouza and All Commission's coordinator Severine Crasta. Children excelled in Catechism exam were awarded with prizes.

In the camp, Fr Noel, Fr Ashwil Dias , Brothers Viketh and Jaison conducted various value based activities for the children like leadership talks,  Biblical action songs, games and crafts. The winning teams were awarded with prizes.

Children were served with breakfast and lunch. Overall it was a fruitful and educational camp which brought all the parish children together.

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