Media Release
Mangaluru, Sep 7 : ‘BELOVED 2019’ – A young couples conference open for both CFCI and non-CFCI Couples was organized on Sunday, 1st September 2019 by Couples for Christ India - Mangalore in association with the Diocesan Family Life Service Centre, Bajjodi, at the Most Holy Redeemer Church’s Golden Jubilee Hall , Derebail here. The conference was focused on providing an understanding of the necessary tools to build our marriage and the four essential pillars in making a great marriage.
The conference was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Anil D’souza, Director of The Diocesan Family Life Centre, Mangalore and the Spiritual Director for CFCI Mangalore along with the event heads. In his inaugural speech, he welcomed the participants by saying ‘Many are called but few are chosen’ and telling them that they were chosen by God to be here and hence they should apply everything they learn to make their marriage fruitful.
The conference helped the participants understand that it was God who designed marriage and He has a concrete plan in place for every couple. And this plan was
‘Therefore, a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked, and they were not ashamed’.~ Genesis 2:24-25
However, we fail to live out His plan because we don’t focus on what’s important. We need to invest in our marriage and this requires hard work. They then introduced the four pillars required to make a great marriage – Priority, Pursuit, Possession and Purity.
The conference ended with an introduction to CFCI to the non-community members and a Praise Fest. The children of the participants too enjoyed their day with sessions, action songs and activities at the same venue where a parallel program was organized for them by the Youth and Singles of the community. The couples returned home carrying the message that as they begin working or strengthening these pillars in their life the theme verse ‘I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine’ – Song of Songs 6:3 will become a reality in their life.
Couples for Christ India (CFCI), a Catholic movement that works for the renewal of families in India organizes a variety of programs every year that attract from between 50 to 3000 participants. These programs are offered for the welfare of families, couples, youth and children and are instrumental in imparting various skills to the participants besides motivating them to be instruments of change in society.
Couples for Christ India is an affiliate of CFC-FFL, a private association approved by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Philippines. In India, it operates under the Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India Family Commission, and in each diocese, under the family commissions at respective dioceses.