CT News

Permannur, June 11 : The election of ICYM Permannur unit executive committee was held on 11th May, 2024 at St Sebastian Church, Permannur. The election was conducted under the guidance of Director V.Rev.Fr. Cyprian Pinto and Animator Mr. Deril Dsouza.

The oath taking ceremony of newly elected Executive committee members was held on 9thJune 2024 during the 7.30am Mass.
The oath was administered by V.Rev.Fr.Cyprian Pinto, Director of the unit . The newly elected members took oath to work selflessly and faithfully to serve for the betterment of the association.

The office bearers for the year 2024-2025 are as follows:

Director- V.Rev.Fr. Cyprian Pinto
Animator- Deril Dsouza and Rayan Dsouza
President- Rishal Dsouza
Vice President- Jaison Dsa
Secretary- Nishitha Lobo
Joint Secretary- Pramith Dsouza
Treasurer- Wellrick Dsa
Auditor- Wilson Tellis
Amso Yuvak Rep/Media Rep- Alester Joston Serrao
Red Drop Representative- Deril Fernandes
Cultural and Liturgy- Jyancia Dsouza
Sports Secretary- Riston Dsa
Deanery Representatives- Preemal Dsouza and Dilson Mathew
Nominated Members- Amisha Josna Dsouza and Winners Dsouza
Immediate Past President- Flavitha Dsouza

A group photo of the committee was taken with the director.


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