By Reeda Rodrigues 

Permude , May 5, 2024 : The Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) unit of St. John the Baptist Church, Permude organized a delightful day out for its members on May 1st. A group of 22 enthusiastic members, led by the animator Mr. Roshan D'Souza, embarked on a journey to Kalmadi Church followed by a visit to Relax Leisure Park. This outing was not only a chance for recreation but also an opportunity for spiritual enrichment and fellowship.

The day started with a visit to the Kalmadi Church. Following the visit to the church, the group made their way to Relax Leisure Park. Upon arrival, Permude ICYM members were warmly welcomed by Mrs. Silva, who expressed her appreciation for the group choosing the park as their picnic destination.

At Relax Leisure Park, the ICYM members indulged in various enjoyable and engaging games. Post the energizing games, the group enjoyed a hearty lunch together, allowing them time to replenish and share laughs over the meal. The afternoon was then spent engaging in water activities, which were a big hit among the members.

The picnic concluded with the group departing Relax Leisure Park at 5 PM. The return journey was a time for reflection on the day's events, with many members sharing their positive experiences and the joy they felt throughout the day.


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