Media Release

Mangaluru, May 15, 2023 : It was an auspicious day for the lovely 33 children of St Lawrence  Parish Bondel  who celebrated the acceptance of the First Holy communion  on Sunday, May 14 at 8.30 a.m. mass. Decked in with white gowns and wears with Angelic looks and pure heart, the children received the King of Kings in their heart for the first time.

Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza parish priest  was the main celebrant , Rev Fr Peter Gonsalves Principal St Lawrence English Medium School- Bondel, Rev Fr Lancy D’Souza Asst Parish Priest, Rev Fr Richard Quadros cap, Rev Fr Prakash Tauro OCD , Rev Fr Dixon Lawrence D’Souza SVD  and few guest priests  concelebrated the mass.

In his homily, Rev Fr Peter Gonsalves cited  First Holy Communion is a wonderful moment in a child’s life and represents a sign of growth in the knowledge and love of God for each and every child. Parents who bring their child or children for First Holy Communion are fulfilling the vow they made publicly at their child’s Baptism.

The entire liturgy was carried out by the communicants. Teachers  planned the liturgy in such a way that every child had a part to play in proclaiming the word, singing the Psalm, introduction to the Mass, prayers of the faithful, thanksgiving hymn  after Communion.Teacher Lavina Menezes, Mrs Elizabeth Rodrigues & Mrs  Metilda  were thanked for preparing the little ones for this special day. The Children  choir enriched the spiritual atmosphere by singing melodiously the meaningful hymns under the  choir master  Mr Joachim Lobo.

The children were presented with a scapular and rosary by their parents and a certificate by the priest as a token to remind them of their First Holy Communion Day.

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