CT News

Mangaluru, July 27 : For the past two years, Fr Denzil Lobo has given his service at Guardian Angel Church, Angelore here  as assistant parish priest and now the Bishop of Mangalore has transferred him for further studies in Canon Law to St Peter's Pontifical Seminary, Bengaluru.

Angelore parish thanks him for his valuable service to the Church and it's people. To express their love, support and gratitude; they offered a Thanksgiving mass on 25th of July, 2020 at 5 pm followed by a short felicitation programme.

Rev Fr William Menezes, the Parish Priest spoke a few words of appreciation and offered Fr Denzil a bouquet as a symbol of love. Mrs Lolina Lobo, parish council secretary read the "Maan patr" and Mr Felix Moras, parish council member along with the the altar servers congratulated him with a gift as a token of gratitude. Also the choir members wished him with a song on behalf of all parishoners led my Joseph Pinto.


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