News report : Mrs Ivy Serrao
Photos : Mrs Reshma Menezes and Dr Joyston D’Souza

Moodbidri, April 18, 2024 : The halls of Corpus Christi Church echoed with excitement and joy as the annual summer camp for catechism students kicked off on April 15th, 2024. This was organized by Mr. Winston and his dedicated team from St. Don Bosco, along with the assistance of catechism teachers and the youth of ICYM. The camp aimed to provide a blend of spiritual enrichment and enjoyable activities for students ranging from 4th to 10th grade.

The inauguration ceremony commenced promptly at 9 am in the church hall, with a solemn invocation of the Holy Spirit. Delroy DSouza delivered a warm welcome speech, followed by a graceful floral welcome by Sr. Elena. Rev .Fr. Onil DSouza then officially declared the camp open, setting the tone for the days ahead. Clarissa DSouza skillfully guided the proceedings as the Master of Ceremonies.

Distinguished guests, including Rev. Fr. Onil D’Souza,Mr. Vincent D'Souza, Mrs. Celine DSouza, Brother Winston Pinto from the Salesian community, and Teacher Nancy, graced the occasion, adding to the sense of community and celebration.

The first day of the camp was brimming with engaging activities, including collage competitions, relay races,hair styling and a lively fashion show, keeping the students enthralled and energized.

As the camp progressed into its second day, the church hall buzzed with creativity and enthusiasm as students participated in activities such as tattoo drawing, cooking without fire, and action-packed songs.

The highlight of the camp came on the third day, as children embarked on a memorable picnic to Kelbet Bola, a  mud field. Surrounded by nature's beauty, the students embraced outdoor adventures, laughter, and creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Throughout the camp, the spirit of learning, friendship, and fun permeated every activity, fostering a sense of belonging and spiritual growth among the participants.

As the curtains drew to a close on this year's summer camp, the organizers and participants alike were left with hearts full of gratitude and memories to cherish, eagerly awaiting the next summer's adventures at Corpus Christi Church.


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