CT News
Moodbidri, March 31, 2024 : Maundy Thursday is observed to commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples before his crucifixion and the institution of the Holy Eucharist.

St Francis Xavier Church, Saverapura observed Maundy Thursday on March 28. The service began at the church premises at 5 p.m.

Parish priest Rev Fr Noel Mascarenhas was the main celebrant who broke the Word of God for the faithful. Rev Fr Vivek Colaco concelebrated.

In accordance with tradition and symbolism, PP Fr Noel washed the feet of the twelve chosen parishioners in remembrance of Jesus' sacrificial act of washing the feet of 12 apostles.

Soon after the mass, Holy Eucharist was carried in procession to the "Altar of Repose". Br Jaison led the adoration service.

During the entire ceremony, the Church choir added solemnity with melodious singing. 


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