Media Release

Mangaluru, May 24, 2024 : On the occasion of 75th Birthday of its Founder Eric Ozario, Mandd Sobhann has announced the 'Eric Alexander Ozario Amritotsav Research Grant' to honour his contributions to the language, music, art, culture, organization and overall development of Konkani and to ensure the continuation of his Konkani works as our mission highlights "To Preserve, To Enrich and To Passover the legacy of rich Konkani Language and Culture to future generations".

The grant will consist of Rupees One Lakh annually to conduct an academic research on various research studies. People belonging to any language, who have the ability to research the Konkani language-culture can apply for the research grant which has to be completed within the duration of 3 months, once assigned.

The interested Candidates can apply along with a synopsis of the topic chosen by them for the research and their resume to Mandd Sobhann. Candidates will be selected through an interview. This grant is only for the research. The rights of publication through print or digital media are reserved by Mandd Sobhann. The last date to send in the applications is July 31st, 2024.

Topics for the Research Project - 2024:

1. What are the factors that have led to the diversity in the dialects of Konkani Christians in the coastal region?: A Linguistic Study.
2. Konkani Christian Cuisine: Taste and Diversity (An analysis of the generational history of cuisines, culture-heritage and health benefits involved).
3. Brass Band - Past, Present, and Future: A Comprehensive Cultural Study.
4. Konkani folk culture: Origin and evolution.

For details, contact: +91 8105 22 6626
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: Mandd Sobhann, Kalangann, Shakthinagar, Mangalore 575 016.


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