Multitude responsibility for Citizens : Rev. Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro

Media Release

Puttur, Jan 26 : “Republic Day is a national day for introspection for we the true citizens of the great nation. On this day, 26th January 1950, the constitution of India came into effect, replacing the Government of India Act of 1935. The nation formed into a republic. The implemented constitution of India has given the social, financial and political justice, the liberty of thought, expression and belief, equality for all irrespective of status”, said Rev. Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, the Principal of St. Philomena College. He was addressing the gathering on the occasion of the 73rd Republic Day celebration at the College.

“The colors in our national flag – saffron, white and green have their own meaning. Saffron is the symbol of sacrifice, white is the symbol of peace and green is the symbol of prosperity. Our life should be a mix of these colors. Some Greek Philosophers categorized the society into three categories. The first category people are called Idiots who are always self-centric and they do not bother about others. The second category people are known as tribesmen. They are uncultured and barbaric. Third category people are citizens who strive for the betterment of the society and they are selfless. We should belong to the third category and hence true citizens. Our actions in words and deeds should be the most responsible, clean, neat and disciplined. That will bring peace and harmony in the society”, said Rev. Dr Antomy Prakash Monteiro.

On this occasion, NCC cadets made a parade in tune with the melodious band coherent with beating of drums. The march past was led by Junior under Officer Nachappa KD. The members of the fine arts club of Yaksha Kala Kendra of the College rendered patriotic songs with the background music.

The entire programme was planned and chalked out by NCC officer, Lieutenant Johnson David Sequeira. Prof. Prashanth Rai, Assistant Professor of Commerce, compered the programme.

Rev. Fr Vijay Lobo, the Principal of St. Philomena Pre University College, Rev. Fr Ashok Rayan, the hostel warden, Lecturers of both PG, Degree and PU section, members of Rovers and Rangers unit, students participated in large numbers adhering to the COVID protocol enforced by the district administration.


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