Media Release

Mangaluru, April 2, 2024 : Carmel School, Mangaluru, recently hosted an immersive one-day camp that united Cubs, Scouts, Bulbuls and Guides, in a series of meaningful activities. The day commenced with a solemn prayer service, symbolized by the lighting of the lamp, reflecting the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.

Participants then engaged in a gesture of nurturing nature by collectively watering potted plants, emphasizing the importance of environmental stewardship. Sr. Lilly Pushpa, The Principal; Dr Sr. Prem D Souza, The Administrator and Sr.Premal –The Vice Principal graced the occasion with their presence.

The day unfolded under the expert guidance of Teacher Ashwitha, ensuring seamless coordination throughout. Under the guidance of Mrs. Lathika, students enthusiastically learnt BP Six exercises and knots, enhancing their practical skills and information of scouting essentials and her expertise and guidance ensured that students grasped the fundamentals effectively. Mr. Mahesh facilitated a creative activity using candy stick vases and drawing materials. Students eagerly expressed their creativity by decorating the vases and engaging in artistic expression through drawing and his interactive approach encouraged students to explore their artistic talents while having fun. Meanwhile, Mrs. Preethi captivated students with a storytelling session, weaving tales that sparked their imagination and transported them to different worlds. Anshika P and Kushal K Kanchan of grade 3C shared their experience of the camp fostering a sense of comradeship and emotional connection among participants.The First Aid Training Program conducted by Rajyapuraskara awardees aimed at equipping the students with essential lifesaving skills. Led by dedicated teachers, the program covered a range of topics including various bandaging techniques, lashings, stretcher usage, estimation gadgets. A highlight of the event was the insightful presentation of student accomplishments through a captivating PPT, underscoring their dedication and perseverance in various endeavors. The event reached its climax with Sri Bharath Raj , ASSOC, the chief guest delivering an insightful address on the significance of scouting in shaping young minds and instilling values of integrity and responsibilities.

Mrs Lathika welcomed the gathering and Mrs. Hazel Lobo proposed the vote of thanks.


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