Media Release

Mangaluru, Mar 20, 2023 : Farewell is leading a person to a new beginning.

On 15th March St Agnes CBSE school witnessed both happy and sad moments with mixed feelings of a lot of emotions as it bid adios to an excellent teacher who provided her selfless service of 26 years as an educator in this institution. The moment was sad because she would be greatly missed from the St Agnes family and happy that she will join her family and carry on her duties as a wife and mother to her family.

To make this day memorable a spectacular programme was organized by the Management, teachers, and students. Mrs. Nayana and her husband Mr. Alen Fernandes were warmly given a grandeur escort to the venue accompanied by Joint Secretary of the Institutions Sr. Dr. Lydia Fernandes AC, the Principal Sr Maria Gracilda AC, the Administrator Sr Edna Furtado AC, Vice Principal Sr. Lenita Lobo AC and Co Ordinator Sr. Sweedal Fernandes AC the Vice President of School Welfare Committee Dr. Kumar Naik. The programme began with invoking Gods’ blessings with a meaningful prayer service. The students welcomed the gathering with a spectacular dance and the programme took its lead by students performing a dance, a meaningful song was dedicated to the teacher who would be greatly missed. The students shared their experience about the lessons learnt with values and from being a great mentor and guide to them she was always available with her cheerful smile. Thereafter presented a beautiful portrait to teacher Nayana who was deeply touched with the gesture.

The teachers too with their emotional song expressed how much she will be missed among all. It was rather a very emotional moment which brought tears in the eyes of all. Mrs. Josephine and Mishal shared their memories and the days well spent in the presence of teacher Nayana. An enthralling video of memories of teacher Nayana’s best days were witnessed by the audience which yet again created an emotional moment for all.

The Management, the School welfare committee and the teachers honored Mrs. Nayana Fernandes as a token of love and appreciation for the 26 years of dedicated service and her role in shaping the young minds who were entrusted under her care.

The dignitaries in their speech expressed their gratitude to the teacher who has gone beyond to shape the minds of the children. Apart from providing her service to school she has maintained a well-balanced life with her family, teachers, students, and parents. She is indeed a source of inspiration that was greatly expressed by all.

Mr. Kumar Naik expressed his sentiments that she is a perfect example of a great teacher. Her positive approach is what has made her different.

Sr Lydia the Joint Secretary expressed her as a Great Apostolic Carmel educator. She said she was chosen to this noble profession and has done equal justice to do the best. She wished her good luck to her new life of retirement.

Sr Edna Furtado too expressed her deep sense of gratitude to teacher Nayana for her efficient teaching and for being an excellent mentor. Her positive vibes and ever pleasing smile is what makes her different, was expressed. She too wished her good luck for her future endeavors.

A motivational video by the Principal ‘Heart of a teacher' was greatly matching all the qualities of teacher Nayana. She too expressed her thoughts by praising the profound qualities she had and the diligent service she provided which has proved in all parameters to be an excellent teacher. She congratulated her for her new life and wished good luck for her future.

Teacher Nayana yet again created an emotional aura as she delivered her emotional farewell speech. She thanked everyone for making the day memorable and who had helped her and walked with her in times of happiness and sorrow. She thanked Almighty God for his greatest blessings to carry out the noble profession, the Management for believing in her and giving constant support, to her family who had been her pillar of strength, and to all teachers, parents, students, the SWC members and support staff for their support.

The programme was compered by Aryashree and Mrs. Sumana. Vival Serrao gave a warm welcome to the gathering. The Vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. Nisha thanking everyone for their gracious presence and participation. The programme was brought to a closure with a fellowship meal and the best moments were captured through photography sessions.

The Management expresses deep sense of gratitude to teacher Nayana for her selfless service and wishes good luck for her future life.

Adios teacher until we meet again.

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