Media Release

Mangaluru, July 19 : Despite of the rainy holidays, the eighth graders at Carmel School showcased their indomitable spirit by presenting a splendid program to celebrate the Feast of the School Patroness, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, on 18th July 2024 under the able guidance of their class mentors- Mrs. Reena, Ms Anusha and Mrs Supreetha.

The celebration commenced with the traditional Lighting of the Lamp ceremony, a symbol of dispelling darkness and ushering in wisdom and enlightenment. The Chief Guest, Sr. Dr. Prem, the Administrator, along with Sr. Lilly Pushpa, the Principal, and Sr. Premal, the Vice Principal, had the honour of kindling the lamp's sacred flame. A meaningful prayer service followed, where each child symbolized a star, illuminating the 12 virtues of Mary. These virtues—humility, service, care, prayer, obedience, courage, purity, simplicity, mercy, fidelity, trust, and patience—were vividly highlighted through the life of Mother Mary and how they could be embraced in everyday life.

In a mesmerizing display of Bharatanatyam, the welcome dance at Carmel School poured out sentiments of warm and affable welcome. The graceful movements and expressive gestures of the dancers beautifully conveyed a sense of hospitality and joy, setting a vibrant tone for the event.

Aamina Suha and Abhinav captivated the audience alongside other students who enacted scenes while they eloquently explained the event's origin and significance. Their performance allowed the audience to reflect deeply on the importance of the Feast, as they portrayed its historical and spiritual essence with precision and grace. The combination of vivid enactments and articulate explanations transformed the celebration into a moving and enlightening experience for all present followed by a scintillating dance accentuating the life of Mary.

A captivating Kannada Musical Dance Drama followed, depicting the life of Mother Veronica. The performance illustrated how she is a sea of love and a beacon of justice, capturing glimpses of her compassionate spirit and steadfast commitment to righteousness. Through a blend of evocative music, graceful dance, and powerful storytelling, the students brought Mother Veronica's remarkable journey to life, leaving the audience profoundly touched and uplifted.
The performance was followed by a melodious festal song, honoring Mother Mary as an affectionate and considerate mother, adding a harmonious conclusion to the celebration.

In her thought-provoking address, Sr. Dr. Prem D'Souza posed two questions to the students: why Mother Mary is depicted wearing a brown robe in one picture and blue in others, and why she is crowned with 12 stars instead of any other number. She explained that the brown robe symbolizes the Carmelite Order's connection to the soil and humble service, while the 12 stars represent the 12 apostles and the 12 tribes of Israel, emphasizing Mary's role as their queen. Sr. Dr. Prem urged the children to be true followers of Mother Mary's virtues, embodying humility, service, and faith in their daily lives.

Sr. Lilly Pushpa, the principal, and Sr. Dr. Prem D'Souza, the Administrator, presented certificates and trophies to the winners of the Indian Talent Olympiad Examination.

Rifath extended a warm welcome, fostering an atmosphere of gratitude and respect. The event, effectively compered by Ziya and Nithasha, concluded with Shamam delivering a gracious vote of thanks. As a final gesture of celebration, sweets were distributed to the entire Carmel family, marking the conclusion of a memorable and rewarding occasion.


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