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Mangaluru, July 31 : ICYM Permannur unit organized Farewell program for Rev.Fr J.B. Saldhanha - Director of ICYM Permannur unit in Permannur parish, on 24th July 2020 at 6.30 p.m. The program commenced with a prayer song. Anita DSouza- Secretary ICYM Permannur unit welcomed the guests and the gathering.

Rev Fr J.B. Saldhanha Director of ICYM Permanur, Rev. Fr Santhosh DSouza Youth activity co-ordinator , Sr. Severine Fernandes and Mr. Deril DSouza Animators, Velita DSouza President, Anita J DSouza Secretary ICYM Permannur were the guests present on the dais.

Fr. Santhosh DSouza, Sr. Severine Fernandes & Ms Velita DSouza shared their work experience with Rev. Fr J. B. Saldhanha and wished him good luck for his future pastoral mission as the Parish Priest of St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai. On behalf of all the members, Navaneeth M DSouza, Ex-President ICYM Permannur shared his experience.

Rev.Fr J. B. Saldhanha expressed his thoughts and thanked all the youth and donors for their support in the youth activities.

Rev. Fr J. B. Saldhanha served as the director of ICYM Permannur for the last 7 years. He has been with the youth and seen them growing into leaders of society today. As a token of love and gratitude and for his selfless service, members presented a small token of love to Fr J. B. Saldhanha and wished him well in his future ministry.

Anita J DSouza proposed the vote of thanks and compered the program.


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