CT News

Kinnigoli, Sep 6 : A long due Vanamahotsava Celebration of ICYM Kinnigoli Unit was celebrated on 3 September 2021. Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Mathew Vas, Assistant Parish Priest Fr. William Dsouza, Parish Council Vice President and Secretary Mrs. Shaila Sequira and Mr. Vincent Dsouza respectively, ICYM President  Aldrene Dsouza and Secretary Marvel Mathias planted saplings in the church compound as a sign of spreading awareness of forest conservation and saving the environment. ICYM has proudly taken up the responsibility of taking care of these saplings leading to their growth and survival. In this regard more than 230 saplings of different varieties were distributed to the parishioners free of cost donated by Vijay Yuva Sangama, Yekkar Forester. These included saplings of mango, jackfruit, wild-jackfruit, litchi, neem and such other wild trees.

They hope that this tiny step towards protecting the greenery of our surrounding will definitely pave a way for better environmental condition for our future generation.


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