CT News

Mangaluru, July 17, 2018: St. Ann’s Convent and institutions here had the unique celebrations of a hundred and fifty years of founding of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation at Bayonne, France on 16th July 1868, by Venerable Mother Veronica, who founded the Congregation for faith formation, to educate girls and to serve the poor and the needy. To commemorate this great event several programmes were organized institution wise.

A Thanksgiving Mass was offered on 13th July at Rosario Cathedral for the staff and students of the campus, a campus staff get-together was held on 14th July which was followed by a fellowship meal, on 15th July the parish community joined the Apostolic Carmel sisters in a Thanksgiving Mass to mark the event and finally on 16th, a solemn Thanksgiving Mass was offered by Fr. Prakash D’ Cunha OCD and ten priests concelebrated the Eucharist.

The joyous occasion was attended by the sisters from the neighbouring convents and the ACA members. This event was graced by Msgr. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop Elect. Twenty five needy families were identified and helped to celebrate this event. Sisters of the Provincial House, St. Ann’s Convent and Carmel Convent, Ashaniketan were present.


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