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Mangaluru, Dec 22 : St. Theresa’s School, Bendur, here observed the six day – Fit India School week from 7th to 12th December 2020 to encourage and imbibe the values of health and fitness of body and mind. The drive was observed with the objective of empowering and inculcating the importance of fitness among the staff and the students.

Various activities were held throughout the week. The first day began with a virtual assembly and the students performed the Namaskara asana and free hand exercises. Thus, it was a small step towards achieving concentration and peace of mind. On the second day common yoga protocol was conducted. Students performed yoga thus rejuvenating their body, mind and soul.

Chess and solving the Rubik’s cube were another pair of activities carried out by the students which helped them to focus on improving the concentration and eye- hand coordination. Students also brought life in designing advertisements on the theme ‘HUM FIT TOH INDIA FIT’ by thinking out of the box. They also set up for challenges in Squats, Spot Jogging and Ball Dribbling. The last day was a day packed for the activities dedicated to family fitness. Parents along with their children actively and creatively used items available at home for example a mosquito bat as a tennis racket to stay fit and healthy.

The Principal Sr. Philomene Saldanha, Vice Principal Sr. Lourdes along with the Physical Education Teachers motivated the students and the teachers to stay fit. Being healthy is a great fortune. Fitness is not just a word. It is about a healthy and happy life. This was indeed a wonderful experience for all the students and the staff which inspired them to stay fit and healthy.


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